🦠 Concert giants form taskforce; Italian music company POV; Glastonbury; Recession; Wash Your Lyrics
Daily update for the music business on the coronavirus (March 13)
If there is one piece you read today, make it Tomas Pueyo piece on Medium titled Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now. It’s relevant to everyone - inside and outside of music, and provides insights and actions, which is why it’s received 12 million views in the last 24 hours.
What’s it like to be a music company in the middle of the Coronavirus lockdown in Italy? (Music Business Worldwide)
Glastonbury ‘could lose £100m’ if cancelled over coronavirus experts claim (Metro)
Can Indie Promoters Survive the Coronavirus Crisis? (Billboard)
Marketplace Pandemic: How Will Media Companies Fare in a Recession? (MIDiA)
Close the Theaters. Close the Opera. Close the Concert Halls. Now. (Vulture)
How the coronavirus outbreak is roiling the film and entertainment industries (Vox)
Music startup Currents.fm’s COVID-19 resource for musicians and friends (Currents.fm)
Help Musicians UK’s advice relating to coronavirus (Help Musicians)
Avril Lavigne, CMA Songwriters Series, The Who, MUSEXPO 2020, office closures (Music Week)
Australia’s Download Festival 2020 Scrapped After My Chemical Romance Cancellation (Billboard)
Concert Industry Faces Cruel, Cruel Summer as Coronavirus Spreads (Billboard)
Something extra: How to protect your mental health in a pandemic (i-D).
If this daily update on the coronavirus and the music business was forwarded to you, please consider subscribing:
Some thoughts:
I am going to stop listing specific cancellations for now. At this point we should assume everything cancelled. When something is not cancelled and it’s noteworthy or an event has an interesting postponement strategy etc, I’ll make sure to list it.
I have to give a shout out to Platform & Stream - a daily newsletter about the digital music landscape which gave me some of the inspiration for this.
DO ME A BIG FAVOUR: this newsletter is hitting many of your spam filters - especially on Gmail. Please keep an eye out, and mark as ‘not spam’ in order to train the algorithm.
Stay calm and remember to breathe. :-)
MUSIC x CORONA goes out every morning (CET) on every weekday.
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